Good read! I appreciate how you talk about the nuance of the issue. Those who paid off versus those who still have outstanding debt. I agree with your assessment without introducing either a market force or regulation to control prices this will continue to be an issue.
I do think they need to balance out how to account for students and parents who did factor in the cost of college and developed payment strategies or savings to afford the degree.
For example, affluent families who did not save for their child’s degree and had their child shoulder the cost of a high cost low paying degree. Versus a middle class or low income family who sacrificed and lived a more modest lifestyle so their child could attend school without worrying about college debt.
Good read! I appreciate how you talk about the nuance of the issue. Those who paid off versus those who still have outstanding debt. I agree with your assessment without introducing either a market force or regulation to control prices this will continue to be an issue.
I do think they need to balance out how to account for students and parents who did factor in the cost of college and developed payment strategies or savings to afford the degree.
For example, affluent families who did not save for their child’s degree and had their child shoulder the cost of a high cost low paying degree. Versus a middle class or low income family who sacrificed and lived a more modest lifestyle so their child could attend school without worrying about college debt.
It’s a tough one