As someone who just made it into the tail end of the Boomer generation, I personally find it embarrassing when I hear other old guys (and girls) pompously blaming everything on millennials. Really?

Who was in charge during the Great Recession and the other calamities that destroyed the economy and made life miserable for them? Who told them (when they were teenagers) to take out massive student loans because they would get great jobs paying enough to pay them off? I could go on, but you get my point.

Besides the blame the millennials game reminds me of those TV preachers who blame earthquakes and tornadoes on gay people. If you really believe gays have the power to control the weather and cause the earth to shake then I think I’d be really really nice to them. Same with millennials.

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No one is talking about too many dollars chasing too few goods except for this guy???? Can you have a conversation about inflation without talking about just that? It is most definitely the millennials fault.

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