Fascinating stuff. Reminds me a bit of the studies done on shows that have a stark political divide or the appearance of one (Euphoria vs. Yellowstone, for example). I wonder what today's shows say about 'The American Dream' compared to those from twenty years ago...

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The idea of upward mobility through hard work is one of the most persistent of American myths. It appeals to us because it typically comes in the form of stories like the ones you see on Shark Tank.

But these rags to riches shows are just the latest versions of the “success” literature that stretches back to the founding of America. From Poor Richard to Napoleon Hill to the Rich Dad, Poor Dad guy, they’ve all sold the same line of success is totally up to you.

Our brains are easily seduced into believing an individual story represents general reality even when it’s at odds with facts and data.

And that makes for good propaganda. Over the last few decades support for the social safety net has diminished. Even among minorities and the poor. They’ve fallen for the idea that people are poor because they choose to be. Not because of structural or social barriers.

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